What Are the 4 P's of Mobile Marketing?

Eli Merrell Picture

by Eli Merrell | Last Updated: May 20, 2023

Building a mobile marketing strategy is a complex task. Knowing the difference between all of the channels and knowing which tactics will resonate with your audience can often feel like a shot in the dark. Luckily there are many tools and resources to help you craft a strategy that will drive results. 

What Is Digital Marketing Mix?

Digital marketing is the promotion of a company's products or services using the internet. There are many different digital marketing channels including mobile marketing, email marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), and social media marketing. Campaigns that include these tacts could include engaging influencers to post about your products on social media or a mobile messaging campaign

A digital marketing mix is when marketers combine multiple digital marketing channels into their strategy. It is important to try to reach your target audience in a few different ways. Not every channel will resonate with your entire audience. 

Why Should a Company Use the 4 Ps of the Marketing Mix?

The 4 Ps of marketing are promotion, product, price, and place, they are each key elements that must be considered to build an effective marketing strategy. The idea for the 4 Ps originated in the 1960s and have stood the test of time asl a relevant marketing strategy.  As marketing and technology have evolved the practices of the 4 Ps have evolved as well. 


The first P, promotion, refers to the tactics marketers use to promote their products and services. As digital marketing has grown, promotion has changed significantly. Now marketers can promote their products more effectively and with greater personalization. This could look like marketers taking advantage of multiple types of mobile marketing to reach customers like an email campaign coupled with social media ads. 


The next P, product, focuses on the product or service your team is marketing. It is important for marketers to fully understand what they are marketing. They should know what the company and products stand for and what separates you from the competition. Reflect on how your customers will use your product, how will they interact with it, will it satisfy their needs? 


Price is the next P. Determining the value of your product isn’t always as straightforward as it may seem. A lot of careful thought and research goes into deciding the price of your product and oftentimes it is a fine line between being priced too low and too high. Price can also be used as an effective tool to entice new buyers. Your team could promote that for a limited time the price of your product has dropped to entice buyers. 


The last P is Place. This P refers to the physical and or digital channels used to promote your business. Will your team promote in more traditional ways, in store, print, or with TV ads? Will your team use digital channels such as email or focus on mobile marketing like  SMS messages or mobile ads? Traditional marketing can work in tandem with digital marketing to achieve your goals. 

When building your digital marketing strategy it is important to think about which tactics and channels will resonate best with your target audience. Some channels will not be as effective as others. Learn about your audience and use the channels that will reach them best. 

What Are the 4 Ps of Marketing?

The 4 Ps of marketing are the same as the 4 P of mobile marketing. They are promotion, product, price, and place. Your team should spend time reflecting on each of these elements when building a digital marketing campaign. Learn as much as you can about your target audience, how are they interacting with marketing content now, will they respond better to an SMS campaign or mobile ads? Also take a peek at what your competition is doing. How are they engaging your audience, is there anything you can replicate or improve upon?

What Are the 7Ps of Digital Marketing?

The 7 Ps of digital marketing, also referred to as the marketing mix, are an expansion of the 4 Ps of marketing. The newest additions are people, packaging and process making it the 7 Ps of marketing. 


The first addition is people. This refers to any person representing your brand that your customer comes into contact with. This means hiring the best of the best and training them to represent your brand during every interaction with a customer. Training your team to execute your marketing strategy and to represent your brand well will result in happy customers and a clear vision. 


The next P is packaging. Packaging is a key element of your brand and your marketing strategy. It is often what catches the eye of your audience in store and can create repeat customers. When planning your product packaging, think about making something that will help your audience identify your brand quickly and easily. Think about providing important information on the packaging so your audience isn’t left with questions before they purchase. Add value to them, this could mean putting a QR code on your packaging that takes consumers to a digital experience with more product information. Teach your customers to trust your brand with thoughtful packaging. 


The seventh P is process. Iron out seamless processes for your team so you can focus on what is important, taking care of customers and driving revenue. When internal processes are clear and easy to follow for your team, your customers will feel the results. 

Digital experience platforms like Lumavate can help build and manage digital marketing campaigns like digital experiences and mobile messaging campaigns. Learn more, book a demo today!

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