Deliver Easy Access to Your Brand Assets

You’ve spent a tremendous amount of time creating beautifully designed digital assets for your brand. Make it easy to share those digital assets with a brand portal that allows other teams, agencies, or channel partners to easily access selected digital assets.

Illustrations of various file types including JPG, PNG, GIF, PDF, and SVG

One Link to Share Everything

Your DAM is where all of your digital assets live, but you don’t necessarily want to share access to the DAM with everyone. That’s where brand portals come in. A brand portal is designed to be a curated collection of digital assets that you want to share with other team members, your agency, or channel partners. It enables you to give them access to all of the digital assets they need in a single location and empowers them to find what they need at any time.

Save Time and Money

No more need to buy a separate Digital Asset Management (DAM) solution and invest in a separate solution for building digital experiences to share your branded content. With Lumavate, you get full access to both a DAM and Digital Experience Platform (DXP) and they are automatically integrated. This means it will take your team less time to build out brand portals and any changes you make to digital assets in your DAM are immediately updated in your digital experiences. Plus, our platform is 75 percent more cost-effective than any competitive solution. Save time and money, that’s what we call a win-win.

Reduce Search Time

There is nothing more frustrating than trying to find a specific digital asset when you’re actively working on a project. With Lumavate, you can easily add the ability to search to any brand portal as well as filtering to make it extremely simple for your users to find the specific asset they need in only a few clicks.

Make It Personalized

There are core digital assets that every audience needs, and there are a collection of digital assets that are more applicable to a specific audience. This means a one-size-fits-all approach to your brand portal won’t always work. That’s why Lumavate makes it quick and easy for you to create customized brand portals for specific audiences.

See Lumavate in Action

Meet with one of our experts to see how easy it is to centralize your product data, manage digital assets, and create digital product experiences. Trust us…you’re going to be wowed.