Amplify Your Product Campaigns

Every marketing campaign launched must have a corresponding digital element to truly amplify your campaign efforts and drive stronger results. Using Lumavate, you can quickly create engaging digital experiences to pair with your marketing campaigns to generate more conversations, brand engagement, and increased revenue.

Multiple screens of different digital experiences for marketing campaigns

Boost Product Launches

A product launch is a great way to introduce your new product offering to customers to drive awareness, product interest, and sales. It also creates a lasting impression with customers that can be hard to overcome if the first impression isn’t positive. It’s important to harness the excitement around this product launch and amplify it with a corresponding digital experience that helps provide more context about the product, shares exclusive content and special offers, and more to ensure the first impression is a positive one.

Stand Out in the Aisle

The in-aisle experience is more crowded than ever before making it extremely difficult to stand out from the competition. Your brand has to implement disruptive marketing strategies to grab attention and increase product sales. Using Lumavate, you have multiple ways to disrupt the in-aisle experience and drive sales for your business.

Inspire Your Customers

One of the best ways to highlight the aesthetics of your products is with a digital product lookbook. Unlike a traditional product guide, a curated product lookbook isn’t focused on sharing product specifications and instead showcases how products would visually incorporate into a customer’s daily lives. A product lookbook generates excitement from customers about your products and can drive customers to purchase more products than originally anticipated since a lookbook often pairs multiple products together visually.

Recommend the Best Products to Your Customers

The in-aisle and online shopping experience can be overwhelming for customers especially if they’re buying a new product type for the first time. Providing an interactive quiz that helps customers find the best product for their needs can be a major differentiator for your brand that drives product sales and brand loyalty. It also helps ensure your customers are likely to be happy with their new product purchase since it was recommended based on your expert guidance.

Bypass the IT Queue

You know first-hand how quickly campaigns need to be launched to beat your competition to market. Ensure you never have to experience long wait times again using Lumavate since any member of your team can harness the power of our Product Information Management (PIM) solution and create digital product experiences. So go ahead and cut the IT line using Lumavate; others are sure to follow your lead.

See Lumavate in Action

Meet with one of our experts to see how easy it is to centralize your product data, manage digital assets, and create digital product experiences. Trust us…you’re going to be wowed.