Empower Your Sales Team

Give your sales team the resources they need to sell your products. From product guides to sell sheets to lead capture, it’s extremely easy to create your sales resources in minutes using Lumavate.

Multiple screens showing various examples of digital experiences to be used by a sales team

One Location for Everything

Your direct sales team is often the face of your business to customers. That’s why they must be experts on your product offerings. Using Lumavate, you can create a digital experience for your sales team that contains all of the resources they need to sell your products. Plus, this digital experience can be tied to SSO to ensure only your sales team has access to key information.

Easily Share Product Information With Customers

Your company has invested in creating a ton of great marketing and sales resources that are designed to be used throughout various stages in your sales process. The problem? It’s often hard for your sales team to locate these resources so they can easily share them with customers. Using Lumavate, you can provide your sales team with one location to find all of the external facing content available and enable them to quickly share it with prospects as needed during the sales process.

Ensure Resources Are Always Up-to-Date

As the face of your business to many customers, your sales team must feel confident in everything they do and share with customers. And this starts with your product information. With Lumavate, all of your product data is stored in our Product Information Management (PIM) solution and connected to your digital experiences. This means all of your digital experiences are automatically updated anytime product data changes in the PIM ensuring your sales team is always sharing accurate information.

See Lumavate in Action

Meet with one of our experts to see how easy it is to centralize your product data, manage digital assets, and create digital product experiences. Trust us…you’re going to be wowed.