Product Experience Software

Creating top-tier products and services is a must if you want to build a successful business. However, in today's world, it's not enough. You also need to provide potential customers and returning customers with a positive product experience to generate sales and build brand loyalty.

What Is Meant by Product Experience?

What is a product experience? Put simply, it's an experience that any individual has with the products sold by a brand. Product experience examples include:

  • Seeing ads for your products

  • Viewing your product catalog

  • Examining your products at a local store

  • Checking out a free sample of your product

  • Using the product at home after purchasing it

What Is Digital Product Experience?

digital experience is a product experience that happens on a screen. This can be on a laptop, tablet, smartphone, or TV. As about two-thirds of the world's population is connected to the Internet, it's fair to say that many of your potential clients will interact with your products on the Internet even if you run a brick-and-mortar store.

Digital Experience Examples:

  • Viewing online product ads.

  • Scanning a product QR code for additional product resources.

  • Reading product reviews on forums and eCommerce sites.

  • Searching a manufacturer’s website for product descriptions and specifications.

  • Signing up for a free trial or sample before making a purchasing decision.

  • Requesting customer support to resolve a product issue.

  • Watching product how-to videos, both posted by the manufacturer and those created by customers or influencers.

Many customers experience products both digitally and in person. For example, if you run a restaurant, a potential customer may see an ad, click on it, read through your online menu to see photos of your dishes, and then come by in person to taste a free sample or place an order. If you sell items online and in brick-and-mortar stores, customers may view an item for sale at your outlet, click on its QR code to find out more about it, and then make a purchase.

What Role Does Product Experience Play in Making Sales?

Product experience plays a vital role in making sales.

People who need items or services have plenty of options to pick from. One survey has found that the average business has almost 30 competitors. While many people make impulsive purchases, a large portion of your customer base will likely examine various options before deciding which one to buy, and product experience will play a huge role in their decision process.

People who interact with your products will have a positive, neutral, or negative experience. A positive product experience is more likely to yield repeat business. For obvious reasons, it's what brands strive to achieve. 

A neutral product experience is a dangerous territory. Consumers who are unmoved by a brand’s product experience are more likely to consider competitive options. They are also less likely to post reviews or reach out to brands with questions. This doesn’t allow brands to improve the consumer’s impression and win them over. A neutral customer experience isn't bad but it also doesn't generate sales.

A negative product experience hurts brands the most. A negative experience is often the result of frustrating interactions, such as shoppers being unable to get the information they expect. This can come in the form of product dimensions not being listed on the website or the website just not loading fast enough. 

People who have a negative product experience, for whatever reason, are likely to share their negative views with friends and colleagues, deterring other potential sales. 

Existing customers can have negative product experiences too. Perhaps the item broke earlier than expected, didn't have the features they expected, or was missing clear installation/assembly instructions. In any case, a dissatisfied customer who shares their negative product reviews with others can cost a business repeat sales.

Creating a Product Experience Strategy

A positive product experience won't happen on its own. You'll need to create a product experience strategy to ensure each person who comes to your store or website has the best possible product experience.

Potential customers need to be able to find information about your products quickly and easily. They should be able to see photos, videos, or even interactive product tours to find out more about items they're interested in buying. They should also be able to view information about how to install and use the product. This information should also include clear indications about services and features your product doesn't offer. Making a sale based on withholding information is counterproductive as you'll create a negative product experience that will decrease sales and brand loyalty long term.

At the same time, customers don't need or want all the information about a product at once. That's why it's wise to map out customer journeys to ensure that customers have a clear, attractive path towards making a purchase. If you're targeting customers who aren't familiar with your business, you'll likely start by using PPC ads and social media to help people get acquainted with your products. When people click on your links, the links should take them to the page featuring the item that was being advertised. This page should provide more detailed information about the item available to purchase as well as offer related alternatives in case the exact item doesn't meet a customer's needs, or the customer wants to compare various similar items before making a final decision.

Once someone has made a purchase, he or she is likely to do so again in the future. To this end, you need to offer repeat customers a product experience that meets their needs. Use your blog or social media to offer more information about an item they've purchased. Send emails with pictures and discount coupons for items similar to the ones they've purchased in the past.

What Is Product Experience Management?

Creating a positive product experience isn't a one-time job. You'll need to examine your data regularly to ensure your target audience is still having positive product experiences with your goods and/or services. As you look through individual customer journeys on your site, ask yourself, "What is the product experience?" Did a consumer look at an item for sale for a few seconds before leaving your site? Did he or she check out your blog posts offering information on the item for sale, look at the item again, and then leave? Alternatively, did the customer spend a long time on the product page, then click on links of related products for sale, going back and forth between several of your product options? If you notice trends indicating that people are no longer happy with their product experience, make changes as needed to help people have better interactions with your products.

Product Experience Management (PXM) is the delivery of a compelling and accurate product experience at all times. Some things included in the PXM meaning are:

  • Providing accurate information on all products for sale. This includes not only showing product details but also listing which products are out of stock.

  • Ensuring product information is relevant to each user at his or her stage in the buying journey. Some people will want to see your product catalog while others will want to see products in a certain category. Still, others may want to see a chart comparing two or three similar items to make an informed purchase decision.

  • Make it easy for people who have already bought your products to find information related to their purchases. How-to videos can help buyers get the most out of their purchases. Assembly instructions are important if customers need to assemble the item themselves. Warranty information should also be readily available.

Assembling a Product Experience Team

Small and mid-size business owners may not be able to hire full-time employees who can focus only on product experience management. However, every business can give clear PXM responsibilities to designated employees. Consider the following product experience management examples:

  • Business 1 has three employees. One manages the company website, putting up accurate, engaging product information for items listed for sale. A second employee runs the Google PPC ad campaign and ensures that ads link to specific product pages to make it easy for people to find what they're looking for. A third employee keeps track of items in stock, letting the first employee know when new products are available and old products are out of stock. The business owner acts as the product experience manager. He or she analyzes sales and website data to ensure potential and current customers are having a positive product experience.

  • Business 2 is a large company with 50 employees. Of these, three are a full-time product experience team. They track product experience across various channels. They focus on key product indicators such as customer satisfaction ratings, ongoing product usage, product feedback, product repurchase, and expansion sales to other products from your brand. A product experience manager oversees the team to ensure the product experience strategy is on the right track at all times.

Product experience management is a huge job. Thankfully, product experience (PXM) software offers the tools, features, and amenities a PXM team needs to offer the best possible product experience to all business clients.

What Is Product Experience Software?

What is product experience software used for? A PXM platform is a software solution that helps you manage product experience for customers across multiple platforms. It offers a Product Information Management (PIM) solution to help you keep track of product information and create uniform product descriptions across multiple sites. It has digital asset functionality to help you store and manage images, videos, and files related to each product. The best product experience software programs also provide a Digital Experience Platform (DXP) to enable you to create any type of digital experience without using code.

What Are the Benefits of Product Experience Management Software?

There are many benefits of product experience management software. These include the following:

  • Shorter Time-to-market Solution: You'll be able to easily add and manage product information even if you're not an IT expert.

  • Brand Consistency: You'll be able to maintain the same voice and branding across multiple platforms.

  • Accurate Product Information: All your data will be stored in a centralized location. This makes it easy for employees to manage inventory and provide top-tier customer service. This also enables you to keep product information up to date in real time.

  • Personalization Features: PXM software enables you to tailor product experience to match any customer's needs. You can offer personalized product recommendations or show customers personalized links based on past searches or purchases.

  • Create Data-driven Digital Experiences: PXM software helps you collect and view customer data. It also uses this data to help you create the best possible product experience at all times.

  • Increased Sales and Profits:PXM platform boosts revenue growth by increasing your conversion rate and building brand loyalty that keeps customers coming back to your business.

  • Improved Collaboration and Productivity: Even the best product experience management team can't do everything on their own. With PXM software, employees across multiple branches can update information in real-time. The PXM platform will then use this updated information to automatically update product content on your business website and on other sites that showcase your products.

Product Experience Software Examples

Many companies specialize in creating product experience software. Some of the best product experience software examples are Salsify, Akeneo, Pimcore, Plytix, Catsy, and Lumavate. Each of these platforms offers comprehensive product information management and Digital Asset Management (DAM) services. However, Lumavate stands out from the rest because it offers not only PIM and DAM functionality but also product experience management services. Lumavate's comprehensive platform is designed to meet a company's full marketing needs by providing the following services.

  • Centralized Management of Product Data: While Lumavate offers the tools you need to create ideal product experiences, it doesn't only cater to customers. It also provides the features and amenities your employees and business partners can use to find and use product data.

  • Tools for Managing and Using All Your Digital Assets: Because Lumavate offers both PIM and DAM features, you can keep all data related to any product in a single location.

  • Tools to Create Personalized Digital Product Experiences: Want to offer custom product recommendations? Lumavate will do it for you.

  • Build Forms

  • Targeted Text Messaging

Furthermore, Lumavate is typically 75 percent more cost-effective than other, similar solutions. It's also far easier to implement than many other platforms. Some PXM tools require business owners to provide detailed business information before providing a price quote. Once you agree to the quote, the business helps you set up and start using your new PXM platform. The process can take days or even weeks. Not so with Lumavate. We have three price plans for you to pick from and all you have to do is pick the plan of your choice and start using it. Onboarding only takes a day as it's fully functional out of the box. What's more, you can upgrade or downgrade your plan as needed without compromising your platform functionality.

What is the role of product experience? Put simply, it's an important subset of customer experience, and it can make or break your business. Creating a product experience management team and picking the right PXM software for your business can enable you to consistently offer personalized, positive product experiences to each person who comes to your site. This boosts sales and profits, lessens your employees' workload, and saves you time and hassle. That's why businesses in multiple industries turn to Lumavate for fast, effective help managing product experiences across one or more platforms. Check out our free demo today to find out more about what we have to offer and learn how we can empower your business to meet or even exceed customer expectations.

See Lumavate in Action

Meet with one of our experts to see how easy it is to centralize your product data, manage digital assets, and create digital product experiences. Trust us…you’re going to be wowed.