In this job market, it’s important to stand out from your competition and we have the golden ticket! Build a Progressive Web App (PWA) Digital Business Card!Now I know what you’re thinking, “That sounds really cool but I don’t know how to code or build an app.” Well, I have another golden ticket for you; we have a no-code app building platform that makes building an app much easier than getting to the end of the Willy Wonka Factory tour! On top of making it super easy to build an app, we’ve gotten a jump start on the Digital Business Card idea with one of our Starter Kits! Let’s talk about the details a little more!The Golden Ticket!Your golden ticket to standing out during the job search is a PWA. Most applicants will be sending in a regular chocolate bar cover letter and resume but when you copy a QR Code onto your resume suddenly you’ve gone from a chocolate bar to a one-of-a-kind Snozzberry! According to Forbes, one of the top three things job candidates can do to stand out from the crowd is to be memorable. Blow prospective employers away with your creative side and show them you know a thing or two about upcoming tech! Make your resume jump off the page by listing your activation methods and engaging the office recruiter with mobile! Your SS WonkataniaSo now the next question is how do you build this one-of-a-kind, jump off the page digital business card! Well hop aboard the SS Lumavate, we promise it is not nearly as scary as the boat scene in Willy Wonka. 🛳When you log into your Studio you have the option to create an app from a Starter Kit; select the Digital Business Card Starter Kit and you’re sailing down the chocolate river! Once you’ve selected the Starter Kit, it will be copied into your Studio and you are ready to customize!Pure ImaginationNow the Chocolate Factory is yours and you can do whatever you want in the Studio! Swap out images for your own, use Rich Text to outline your impressive work experience, or add new Components to better show off all you have to offer. With over 100 easy-to-use Components in our Library, there is no end to all that you can imagine! The list of things you can add to your digital business card is limitless. Here are a few of our favorite things to include in your personalized mobile app:
Podcast episode you’ve been featured on
Recommendations from previous employers
Blog posts you’ve written
A personalized video detailing who you are
Links to social media or a personal website
An integration to your Calendly for employers to book meetings with you
Hop in the Glass Elevator!Now you’ve done it, you’ve made a sweet PWA to show off your work experience. Publish your app, but always keep updating! Add your activation methods to your paper resume, LinkedIn pages, and other platforms. Pretty soon you’ll be soaring above the competition in your very own glass elevator!See our PWA templates in action! Text CARD to 586828 to view the Digital Business Card Starter Kit.*!* Msg & data rates may apply. May receive up to 2 msgs. Reply HELP to 586828 for help. Text STOP to 586828 to cancel. For terms and privacy:
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