What Is the Main Function of CMS?

Averi Easley Picture

by Averi Easley | Last Updated: Mar 27, 2023

What Does CMS Stand For?

CMS stands for content management system. They are used by marketing teams as a repository for all of a brand’s digital assets.

CMS Meaning Explained

You will often see content management system or CMS used interchangeably, as CMS is the abbreviated version of content management system.  Now, what exactly is a content management system?  A CMS  is a repository for all of a brand’s digital assets. Marketing teams use CMS solutions because they allow non-technical users to make changes to a website or blog without needing to know how to code.

What Is the Main Function of CMS?

As we described above, a CMS is a software that allows you to create and manage digital content, most commonly for a brand website. Before we get too far into our CMS discussion, you might be wondering how websites were created before a CMS existed? Before the development of CMS solutions, you would have to have technical knowledge in order to build and create a website. This often included coding the website, by using HTML, CSS or JavaScript programming languages. If you were not familiar with these languages, and had never coded before, it made it extremely difficult to build a website. So with all of that in mind, what is the main function of a CMS? A CMS is designed to provide users with the ability to easily and quickly create, edit and publish content on the internet. Depending on your situation, this can be a website for your small business or a corporate website. A CMS normally provides a content library, where documents, videos, images, and other assets can be stored. By using the content library, users can then easily reuse this content throughout the website. Basically, the main purpose of a CMS is to make it easier for marketing teams to manage website content.

What Are the Main Features of a CMS?

While there are a lot of CMS solutions on the market today, many offer similar capabilities. Some of the typical CMS features are: Many of the CMS solutions on the market today offer many of the features described above. Let’s focus on Lumavate and discuss our CMS features and benefits.

What Is an Example of a CMS?

There are many different CMS providers on the market today. A short list of some of CMS software providers are WordPress, Lumavate, Contentful, Strapi, Craft CMS and many more.  There are two types of CMS categories out there, which are generally known as open source and non-open source solutions. Within non-open source, there is another category known as a Headless CMS. A headless CMS is a content management system that does not require a full-stack web server. It separates the back-end or data storage functionality from the user interface or presentation layer. An example of these types of providers are Strapi, Craft, and Contentful.  On the other hand, WordPress is an example of a traditional CMS that provides both a backend and frontend capabilities. Another CMS provider is Lumavate. Lumavate is a next-generation digital experience platform (DXP) that includes a CMS that can be used when building digital experiences. Lumavate also provides you with the ability to integrate third-party CMS solutions into its DXP.  Request a demo now.

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