What Is a Good Product Detail Page?

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by Lumavate | Last Updated: Nov 17, 2023

Your customers (and potential customers) rely on your company to offer comprehensive product detail pages for each of the unique products you sell. These pages serve as crucial resources for customers to find the information they need to make a confident purchase and receive ongoing support when needed.

If your site is missing detail pages for any of its products, now is the time to get to work creating and publishing these important resources. Not only can they be useful to your potential customers—but your employees and your entire company will benefit from them, too.

What Is the Product Detail Page?

A product detail page or product information website is a page that is available via print or digital access. It conveys important information about a product that your company offers. Having product detail pages in place for every single one of the products your company sells should be part of your overall Product Information Management (PIM) strategy.

Typically, each product detail page will contain information, specifications, and data that is relevant to the customer either pre- or post-purchase. Some common examples of data a customer may expect to find on a product detail page include:

The information on a product detail page should be useful for customers not just for making an initial purchase, but for receiving support on an item after they have received it as well. In many cases, these pages are informative enough to be used as internal resources for employees.

What Should a Product Detail Page Include?

While no two product detail pages should be exactly alike, there is some basic information that you can expect to find on this type of informational page. This includes not just the product name and a description of the product, but a list of some of its key features and benefits—as well as sizing and specifications. At a minimum, a comprehensive product detail page should also include a few high-quality images of the product from various angles.

Depending on the use case for the product detail page, there may also be additional information worth including, such as:

When crafting a product detail page, perhaps the best piece of advice to keep in mind is to think about the page as an opportunity to share all the relevant information a user will need at that moment in their buying journey. It can also be helpful to look at product details example sites from your competitors. In many cases, seeing what your competitors are doing right (or wrong) can help you craft the best possible product detail page.

What Is a Good Product Detail Page?

In addition to looking at product page examples, there are also some product detail page best practices you can put to use to ensure the best results. Start by considering the specific moments in your customer's typical buying journey where different product information is used.

For example, a digital product catalog may be used in the purchase consideration process. At this point, the page only needs to include product information that would help a customer determine which item to buy (such as key features and specifications). However, a product detail page published to your website may need to contain more information because it will serve not just the purpose of helping a customer make a buying decision, but helping customers troubleshoot or use the product after they purchase it.

The overall product detail page design also matters, too, as you will need to take into consideration who is going to be accessing the content and what their goal will be when using it. Regardless, a design that is easy to navigate will make it possible for users to find the information they need quickly and hassle-free. This, in turn, may keep them on your website longer and result in a more positive view of your company.

How Do I Create a Product Detail Page?

So, what should a product page include and what steps go into crafting a great product detail page? Ultimately, this process will vary a great deal based on the software used by a company. Typically, most companies will need some sort of Product Information Management (PIM) solution to manage all of their product data—along with Digital Asset Management (DAM) functionality to effectively manage their related digital assets.

Likewise, a company will need a way to pull product data and digital assets into their digital experience, whether it be an online product catalog or website. For some companies, this may require technical resources to connect their PIM and DAM to their website API.

To make this entire process easier, many companies rely on Lumavate's Digital Experience Platform (DXP) and its reliable functionality that makes it easy to build out data-driven product detail pages in a matter of minutes while having data automatically pulled from built-in PIM and DAM solutions. With Lumavate, product detail pages are also updated automatically anytime the product data or digital asset is changed in the PIM or DAM. The result? Your product detail pages are always up-to-date without you having to lift a finger.

Learn more about all that Lumavate has to offer your business from a PIM standpoint and request your free demo to get started today.

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