Four Considerations for Marketers in Manufacturing

Audrey Hollingshead Picture

by Audrey Hollingshead | Last Updated: Mar 7, 2023

Marketing challenges can be some of the toughest ones to handle. A business could have the best device on the market but if no one knows it’s a thing, it won’t be in business for long. So what challenges do manufacturing marketers face and what can they do to tackle them?

1. Staying Up-to-Date With Top Trends

The Internet has sped up business. What used to take days or weeks now can take hours or minutes. This quick pace also sped up how fast things become trends. Some businesses get the hang of the current trend the second it stops trending. 

What Marketers Can Do:

To stay on top of trends marketers need to know which sources have relevant information. It is also a good idea to look into each trend a source suggests to see how valuable it is. Some good sources to check out are:

2. Transitioning to Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is not a trend. It’s a standard. Any business that ignores digital marketing won’t last. But many marketers don’t know where to start. Especially if they’re in manufacturing. Why?

Because they rely on outdated methods. It’s easy to become accustomed to selling products a certain way. Especially when doing something different is scary. What if digital marketing doesn’t work? What if it’s too costly? Will customers be turned off by new tech? What’s the best digital marketing method out there?  

What Marketers Can Do:

Digital Marketing comes in many forms. The good news is that marketers don’t need to use every form. But there are a few key things a manufacturing marketer needs:

  1. Interactive Web Presence -  This is essential because this is where many customers get a first look at manufacturing brands. They see what a brand can offer and get a sense of who they are. It’s also a huge opportunity to “wow” your customers with an interactive experience that brings your products and brand to life.  
  2.  Analytics -  An analytics tool is a must-have and Google Analytics is a great (and free!) option. This type of tool will give you insight on who’s checking out your website and products. You’ll see relevant details like how long they visited your website and which pages they stayed on the longest.
  3. Product Information Management System (PIM) =  PIMs are the most important digital marketing tool for manufacturing companies. Paper pamphlets about your manufacturing products can be outdated the second it’s printed. A PIM can be updated quickly so all product information is current and accurate. Plus, they allow multiple users within your organization to manage the content ensuring it’s always up-to-date.

3. Showing Product Value

A lot of marketers know their products are the best. It’s why they continue to stand by them. But many struggle with showing the real value of their products. What makes this even harder is that every competitor is trying to do the same thing.

What Marketers Can Do:

Use video. Humans are visual creatures. Some won’t really “get” how certain things work without some sort of visual aid. 

Video demonstrations of what products can do shows customers how they’re useful and how they should be used. People will see in real time what the advantages are. Videos also prove claims made in text. Sure, a car manufacturer could say their sports model reaches 60 MPH within five seconds. But to see a car in action proves it. 

4. Supply Chain Issues 

CNBC reports that supply chain issues could last through 2024. No one likes hearing that, most of all manufacturers. They also don’t like to scramble to meet demand when they suddenly find out they’re out of supplies. 

What Marketers Can Do:

There are a couple options for marketers who are continuing to be impacted by supply chain issues. The first is to talk to the other departments and find out what alternative product may exist from your brand. The second, and arguably most important, is to use a Product Information Management System. 

PIMs keep all product information in one place. The PIM can be easily updated in real time to show current information. So instead of promising one product and finding out it’s backordered, customers can see what’s available and find comparable products. This avoids being blindsided by a sudden shortage and gives customers time to decide what’s best for them. 

There Are Solutions Out There

Despite the many challenges manufacturing marketers face there are solutions out there. A solid online presence, analytics, and a PIM system can make all the difference. 

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