4 of Our Favorite Podcast Episodes on Leadership

Michelle Lawrence Picture

by Michelle Lawrence | Last Updated: Jan 3, 2022

We oftentimes can look to others when learning how to become a great leader. There’s a particular quote that has stuck with me for some time on what it means to be a good boss: “Sometimes you have to take a break from being the kind of boss that's always trying to teach people things. Sometimes you just have to be the boss of dancing." - Michael Scott, The Office  Okay, that last part was a joke. Taking advice on how to be a boss from Michael Scott is not advised. Don't worry - we’ve had a ton of guests on the Real Marketers Podcast who we can learn about leadership from.  Without further ado, let’s get into some of our favorite episodes on being a memorable manager.  The Evolving Role of a CMO - Lauren Kelly You may have stepped into a role this year. Maybe it was a manager role. Or maybe it was even a C-level role. Whatever the case may be, understand that there is no right way of doing things.  Lauren Kelly, CMO at ThoughtExchange shared her advice for taking on a new position during her podcast episode. In short, “There is no one role.”  It’s great to learn what your predecessor did before you, but that doesn’t mean you should copy and paste their strategy into yours. You are the one in the position now; go make it your own.  Finding a Work-life Balance as a Founder, CEO, and Mom - Amanda Goetz No matter what role you’re in, it can be hard not to want to wear all of the hats (especially for my fellow perfectionists out there). But you can’t do everything and expect to have a healthy work-life balance.  Amanda Goetz, CEO and Founder at House of Wise, brought some much-needed advice to her episode of Real Marketers. She shared that her team is changing the way they think of the typical 9-5. Much like Lauren Kelly’s advice, you’ve got to make it work for you. Bonus points if you’re the type of leader who practices what they preach.   Massive Migration: 23 Domains into One - Kacy Maxwell If a player asked their coach if the team had a shot at winning the game and all the coach said was, “Maybe”, how do you think the team would play? Not great.  Leaders are just like coaches; they need to believe in the team and the goal they’re trying to achieve. During his episode, Kacy Maxwell, Executive Marketing Director at Ramsey Solutions, gave listeners several nuggets of great advice. It doesn’t matter what the job is, if it’s a product manager role or a content marketing management role, if you don’t 100% believe in what you’re trying to accomplish, it won’t work.  When Kacy and his team went through a massive website migration, do you think it would have been as successful if Kacy was doubtful if it would all come together? Probably not.  Practicing Ruthless Prioritization - Jon Falker  Do me a favor and close your eyes. Think back to the early days of your career. Was there a particular project or event that you thought to yourself, “I can’t believe they’re letting me do this,”? If so, congrats! You had a great boss. Jon Falker, Director of Marketing for Prime Data Centers, and Stephanie discussed the times where their bosses had encouraged them to take on bigger projects early on in their career such as going through a complete rebrand. At the end of the day, being a good manager is about giving your team opportunities to grow. Can’t get enough marketing and leadership advice? Be sure to catch up on the latest episodes of the Real Marketers Podcast  And don’t forget to tell a friend. All of this marketing goodness shouldn’t be kept a secret. 😉

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