The Most Important Stats from the Latest ComScore Mobile App Report
by Jillian MacNulty | Last Updated: Sep 6, 2017
Every year, comScore releases a report on how U.S. consumers use mobile devices. This report is essentially your one-stop shop for all things mobile–from how mobile phone usage compares to desktop, to app usage and where consumers spend their time on their devices, comScore records it all. It’s a wealth of information, but we’ll be the first to admit that it’s a bit of a beast to consume at nearly 60 pages, which is why we did some skimming so you don’t have to. So let’s dive into what we believe are the most important takeaways.Takeaway 1: We’re Still Using AppsI’ll be the first to admit...this is kind of old news. It’s nice to be reminded that apps take up half of our digital minutes, and even more of our mobile time (87 percent, to be exact), but this isn’t anything that we didn’t already know. But here’s where it gets interesting...did you know that out of the top 10 apps, Google and Facebook own a combined eight? It’s clear that consumers are loyal to their most-used apps, and the two tech giants are winning big in mobile.Takeaway 2: ...But Users Are Starting To Experience App FatigueOne thing is clear: consumers definitely want a seamless experiences in the palm of their hand, but the numbers are showing signs of some grumblings. After installation, there is a 40 percent chance of an app being deleted if it isn’t used. And the majority of smartphone users report downloading zero apps per month. What does this mean for companies that want to create an app worthy of some coveted home screen real estate?Takeaway 3: It’s A Long Way to the Top (Unless You Try Something New)Although smartphone users spend over two hours per day on their devices, almost 90 percent of that time is spent in their top five apps. So unless you’re Facebook or Google, it’s time to start thinking differently in order to create an engaging experience on mobile. You need to cater to consumers’ need for engaging mobile experiences, but provide those experiences without the friction of a download. Enter: cloud-based apps (or, as Google likes to call them, Progressive Web Apps). They allow for all the engagement a native mobile app provides without the need to ever download or update it. There’s a lot to be said about this technology, but we’ll leave that to this infographic.As comScore's records show that Americans are consuming half of their digital media through apps, it's imperative that businesses find a way to engage their customers via mobile apps. And now, with fewer apps emerging, companies need to find a new way to access their consumers. And, with these trends shaping the way we engage consumers, the best avenue just may be the mobile web.
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